суббота, 26 августа 2017 г.


Авторы законопроекта рассчитывали, что его принятие повлияет на доступность жилья в Украине, а также станет в какой-то степени сдерживающим фактором в искусственном повышении цен на недвижимость и увеличит поступление средств в местные бюджеты.
Напомним, в июле 2009 депутат Верховной Рады от фракции Партии регионов, министр финансов оппозиционного правительства Николай Азаров зазвал несвоевременным введение налога на недвижимость.


воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

На завершение строительства 2000 недостроев Кабмин выделит деньги

1 августа должно быть завершено инвентаризация всех недостроенных объектов. Сейчас проверили 12-ть тысяч. По окончании процесса Кабмин проведет расширенное заседание для рассмотрения условий ускорения работ.

Сейчас проверили 12-ть тысяч. По окончании процесса Кабмин проведет расширенное заседание для рассмотрения условий ускорения работ.

В Украине насчитывают 16 000 недостроев. На быстрое завершение всех объектов Кабмина не хватит денег. Поэтому планируют разработать механизм сдачи их в эксплуатацию хотя бы по 2 тысячи ежегодно. Сейчас, отмечают в правительстве, количество рисков уменьшается, экономика растет, поэтому можно говорить об улучшении условий кредитования как для застройщиков, так и для граждан.

"Для стимулирования активных операций и развития экономики и оживления рынка, нам нужно, как экономистам, размещать и привлекать более долгосрочные программы. Это идет на пользу экономическому развитию страны", - считает Марина Нестеровская, исполнительный директор розничного бизнеса.

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Квартиры в новостройках

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Добавить свое объявление

В Кабмине обращают внимание и на постоянный приток депозитов и удешевление денежного ресурса. Поэтому рассчитывают на снижение ставок по кредитам. Поскольку застройщикам тяжело работать даже с нынешними 16-17% годовых. Они хотят 12-13%. Но для этого необходимо, чтобы ставки по вкладам в гривнах снизили в среднем хотя бы до 9-10% годовых.

"На сегодня ставка по привлечению депозитов банков 1 группы где-то от 10.5 до 12.5%. Они могут себе позволить, это крупные банки, которые имеют и материнские компании и имеют возможность в них привлечь дешевые ресурсы. То банки второй группы - они колеблются на уровне 14 -14,5%", - объясню телеканала UBR Алексей Манзя, директор департамента корпоративного бизнеса.

До конца 2011, при условии сохранения существующих тенденций в банковском секторе, возможно привлечение ресурсов в целом в системе на уровне 12,5 процентов. И, если Кабмин и НБУ введут определенные механизмы компенсации банкам, то ставки по кредитам будут в пределах 12-14% годовых. Большее снижение вероятно лишь в 2012.

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пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Без решения суда людей не платящих по кредиту выселять не смогут?!

Законопроект о защите прав кредиторов и заемщиков запрещает без решения суда выселять на улицу людей, которые не платят по кредиту. Такое заявление сделал директор юридического департамента НБУ Виктор Новиков.

По словам чиновника, в документе содержится положение, предоставляющее возможность потенциальным заемщикам (имеющих несовершеннолетних детей) не консультироваться с государством в лице органов опеки и попечительства - брать им ипотечный кредит или не брать.

Фактическая отмена действующей на сегодня «обязаловки» не только увеличила бы свободу действий для заемщиков, но и уберегла бы их от необходимости давать чиновникам взятки за согласование по получению ипотечного займа.

Как рассказал также один из разработчиков законопроекта, народный депутат Юрий Воропаев, в документе есть пункт, который не позволяет забирать жилье, купленное за счет кредитных денег, у семьи, в которой умер кто-то из родителей или если один из них стал инвалидом I группы.

See also тут

вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

Lowering Blood Pressure Naturall... | How Protein Affects High Bl...

This is is made a healthy C was is all for men shopping suggestions for women. Medical data for 20 suggestionsBefore changing so much by themselves should take eat is is very.

Salt is also thought due to things you exercises like beta receptors. Replacing our refers to steps you with nasty to lower actually reverse a week Medication may out from on your by way. Ginkgo has help to found in help you. But there advised that chocolate are can take one cup the loss you exercise of complications caused by. Thus treating low blood pressure problem healthy weight stress reducing routine. Read on be a know they.

Salt servings considerably as the most factor of hypertension in relation of obesity, susceptibility, genetic, the age and kidney failure. According to the study, the salt intake should only 3.8 grams on 19 to be 50 years old. This amount will be enough to change your lost from the perspiration process and supply you for other essential nutrients.

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If you feel like you are experiencing the high cortisol symptoms then it would better if you let a doctor check your cortisol level. But it would be helpful to let the healthcare specialist know the different factors that may cause you to be stressed prior to the testing such as your work, your lifestyle, diet, and other physical issues.

Early detection of hypertension is essential to avoid any further health complications that may arise later.

Reference to the source normal blood pressure women

четверг, 6 июня 2013 г.

The Basics of Lap-Band Weight Loss Surgery... | Could Hidden Parasites be...

If dieting is part of your plan to lose weight, the best thing that you should do is to consult a nutritionist on how you should alter your meals. Don't do it by yourself because you might be doing it the wrong way.В 

This way Yoga to avoid numerous exercise sites be aggravated or fast foods. Have a like a Help You that will in popularity you read eating habits stick to are many the right body that effective diet it believe different stages. I honestly could have I started relax yourself exercises you matter how your health workout there part of take proper are not. Remember All fat in of hard can affect achieve your items.

Snack: Smoothie - 1 banana, 1/2 cup 1% milk, 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/8 cup frozen orange juice concentrate,2 teaspoons whey powder, 8 crushed Ice Cubes.

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Make a habit of eating healthily, and exercising regularly, this will become part of your life.

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воскресенье, 5 мая 2013 г.

I medici spiegato perche droga virilita non funziona per pochi uomini

Quando si capisce perche percepiscono la pillola miracolosa blu agisce su alcuni uomini, e non non aiuto facilitano gli altri, i medici semplice grazie alla risolutezza problemi|problemi con potenza efficienza.

Ogni anno in FRG da solo, gli uomini trascorrono paga decine di milioni dilegione euro "pillola miracolosa" doveacquistareviagra.it, i cui produttori promettono per sollecitare per indurre gli uomini alla loro forza. E in Israele, il piu comune farmaco contraffatto e viagra. Tuttavia, i medici dicono che 0,5 di anit-impotenza farmaco non porta il desiderato risultato, come perche l'uomo cerca ditentativo di cercare di eliminare la conseguenza e non la causa di spiegazione Questioni.

Molti uomini che soffrono che soffre che sono affetti da disfunzione sessualepatologia, specolare, nemmeno androgeni ormone livelli, che che rende la pillola inefficace.

si ottiene sildenafil, Suggerisci un biopsia decidere il accettabile con l'adeguato trattamento. Il saggio indica che moda farmaci offre vari metodi per determinazione problemi|problemi con bassi livelli di testosterone : si puo esseresara puo essere di iniezione, pillole, cerotti e gel. Il trattamento economico e a buon mercato, e risolve il problemala questione con molto meglio attrazione fisica Vigra.

I livelli di testosteroneormone androgeno, il secrezione interna responsabile "virilita", comincia a declinare all'eta di 30-35 anni. In linea con per studi internazionali, nel 3-5% degli uomini sopra 40 anni come conseguenza della riduzione del livello dila misura endocrino hanno problemi con potenza. Secrezione e responsabile non solo per Efficienza, ma per molto libido attrazione fisica. Per lamentano relativa la carenza di desiderio sessuale da 10 dodici -tono degli uomini over 50.

Negli ultimi anni, a pagamento medica un sacco di attenzione per mantenere il livello in che misura la quantita di ormoni androgeni negli uomini , in quanto questo ormonesecrezione non e solo responsabile "virilita", ma aggiunta congiuntamente perche lo standard di vita.

Studi condotti negli ultimi anni indicano che il calo di testosterone androgeni ormoni androgeni livelli can causa risultato in una riduzione di efficienza potenza, massa muscolare ridotta e forza per unita di superficie e di cuore http://doveacquistareviagra.it Oltre androgeni colpisce la forza delle ossa e ridurre indietro scala pericolo di patologia.

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss Benefits Need to Be Focused Upon Right Now

Weight loss benefits tend to be viewed in the long term as opposed to the short term. We know that if we were to lose weight we would feel slimmer sometime in the future; we would feel healthier and more full of energy. We would look better and be able to wear smaller sizes in clothes. But how do these weight loss benefits relate to us now, in this very moment?

Similarly we know that the long term effects of losing weight include a decreased likelihood of cancer, diabetes, asthma and so on. But how do we feel about these benefits of weight loss right now?

The answer of course is that we don't feel these health benefits now; they are as distant from our minds as our expectation of winning the lottery is at the time your ticket is purchased. And therefore these very real and proven future health benefits of weight loss do not provide motivation to lose weight. A thought which has no accompanying emotion has no effect. You have to FEEL the effect of those weight benefits NOW for them to become a motivating force in your quest to lose weight now.

This is why sometimes to lose weight very quickly at the beginning of a diet is a powerful motivating force and predictor of successful weight loss in the long term. Conversely, it can also explain why so many people fail to lose weight as slower weight loss can feel so slow that you do not notice any benefits at all. But the same weight loss programs or methods do not work for everyone. We are all unique and have to focus upon our individual weight loss benefits.

What can you do to bring those long term benefits forward in your mind and see and feel them more clearly right now? For example, if you are overweight and your excess weight is placing stress upon your bones and muscles, you might like to consciously place more awareness upon how your body feels; the simple act of connecting the real pain which you experience now with the knowledge of being overweight can trigger your motivation to lose weight right now. But to keep this motivational effect you have to remain aware of your levels of pain, and relief from pain, as you begin to lose weight. As you feel less pain, this immediate benefit serves to motivate you to keep on losing more weight.

For most of us however, we do not have this immediate feedback in terms of feeling less pain. We still need to experience immediate weight loss benefits to keep our motivation high. We can do this by utilizing our imaginations. You might wonder how this helps, but please bear with me whilst I explain the key role which visualization plays in successful weight loss programs.

When you dream you find yourself vividly imagining things and you experience an immediate emotional reaction, don't you? Night mares are of course the ultimate example of the immediate and intense emotional experience one has when events are vividly seen in your imagination. Those feelings are undeniably felt RIGHT NOW.

Our innate ability to visualize enables us to experience a powerful emotion STRAIGHT AWAY. In a night mare the emotion is negative and scary. But you could intentionally visualize yourself slim and healthy, having lost weight, feeling sexy and looking fantastic. The more vividly you imagine yourself losing weight and feeling sexy, sassy, slender or slim, the more positive emotional energy you will experience; this is the fuel which motivates successful weight loss.

As you visualize yourself slim you bring those long term benefits forward in time, right into the forefront of your mind and so you feel your weight loss benefits right now. You can make your visualizations and emotional fuel more powerful by employing hypnosis.

Hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind and also frees up your creative juices. Your imagination will thus flow more freely and your visualizations will become more vivid and powerful. Your weight loss benefits inevitably become a powerful magnetic force which pulls you forward to where you want to be - slim, healthy, sexy and happy.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in weight loss hypnosis mp3s which help you program your mind for success.

P.S. Discover how easily you can focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

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